Living a lie #seventhanomaly

Tech Always

The other day I happened to read a small article on self deception in a news paper.  Reflecting on it I thought that it is not possible to live an absolutely truthful life.  Yes, there are innumerable occasions in our lives wherein we may have to speak something other than truth, lies to put it bluntly, just to impress others and to win our ways.

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Graphics memory misconceptions and how to choose a GPU

Now and then I get many questions on what Graphic Card to buy, and following my suggestion a very peculiar question many tend to ask me is but even that $30 graphic card has 1GB memory and so does this card, why should I pay (say) $150 for this ? Well because of the number of people who ask me this I guess it’s worth sharing what the numbers in a GPU (Graphic Processing Unit- The processor in a Graphic card) spec mean and also some tips on what Graphic card would suit your needs and your budget.


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The Apple Dilemma

Apple is a company that has made a name for itself for having exquisite ID (Industrial Design) as well has a price tag to match. A common dilemma that many of us who can afford to buy an Apple device is if it is a worthy investment apart from it being a symbol of status. Usually a Mac is compared to that of a Windows PC and an iOS device is usually compared to an Android device. So how do you decide ? How would you be able to make a logical decision in a case where practicality is of the essence and not just the bling bling.

Continue reading The Apple Dilemma

by TechAlways